The guest lecture activity was held on Monday, February 14, 2023, at the Prof. Harjono Danoesastro Auditorium Faculty of Agriculture UGM. As a speaker, Prof. Cindy H Nakatsu from Purdue University explained the topic Impact of Prebiotics on Gut Microbial Ecology. The activity started at 13.00 and began with the opening by Indun Dewi Puspita, S.P., M.Sc. Ph. D. as a moderator, followed by a 90-minute presentation of the material by the speaker.
The presented material contained an introduction of Purdue University. It continued with the topic of discussing the Impact of Prebiotics on Gut Microbial Ecology, containing the background and application of learning about microbes, gut microbiome, prebiotics and health, the impact of prebiotics on the gut microbiome, and conclusions. After the material presentation session, it was followed by a discussion session with students for 30 minutes. The guest lecture activity ended at 15.00 with a group photo session.